Wood Bubble - Skull?
Wood Bubble - Skull?
A Muddled Mind
A Muddled Mind
The Cracked Screen of Reality
The Cracked Screen of Reality
In a Heartbeat :: Channeled Collaboration with Pleiadian Entity
In a Heartbeat :: Channeled Collaboration with Pleiadian Entity
Neon Horse
Neon Horse
Galactic Message :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
Galactic Message :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
What You Allow In
What You Allow In
Why Jump to Conclusions?
Why Jump to Conclusions?
Snow on the Astral Plane :: Channeled Collaboration with Astral Beings
Snow on the Astral Plane :: Channeled Collaboration with Astral Beings
Moroccan Spyglass
Moroccan Spyglass
If Black Holes Sneezed
If Black Holes Sneezed
The Fire Tree
The Fire Tree
Planet Groove
Planet Groove
People Live Here
People Live Here
Mickey the Gnome in Grooveland
Mickey the Gnome in Grooveland
Into The Deep :: Cover Art
Into The Deep :: Cover Art
Fairy Zentangle :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
Fairy Zentangle :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
Lyran Partygoer :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Lyran Partygoer :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Marilla's Treehouse
Marilla's Treehouse
Just Outside the Vortex
Just Outside the Vortex
Aquatic Being Self-Portrait :: Sirius A - Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Aquatic Being Self-Portrait :: Sirius A - Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Wood and Flowers
Wood and Flowers
The Rose Constellation
The Rose Constellation
Which Is It? :: Channeled Extraterrestial Art:: Keeper of the Trees, Mars
Which Is It? :: Channeled Extraterrestial Art:: Keeper of the Trees, Mars
Dragonfly Wing of Love :: Channeled Art with Janis Joplin
Dragonfly Wing of Love :: Channeled Art with Janis Joplin
Zeta/Sirian/Human Tribrid Self Portrait :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Zeta/Sirian/Human Tribrid Self Portrait :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
The Window - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
The Window - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Mickey the Gnome - NFT Series of 44
Mickey the Gnome - NFT Series of 44
Frying Pan Supernova
Frying Pan Supernova
Sparky's Answer - Seth :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
Sparky's Answer - Seth :: Channeled Extradimensional Art
Goat Behind Colorful Screen
Goat Behind Colorful Screen
Blue Soldiers -  Multidimensional Carpet Hunters :: Channeled Galactic Art
Blue Soldiers - Multidimensional Carpet Hunters :: Channeled Galactic Art
The Door - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
The Door - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
The Bodyguard :: Sasquatch - Channeled Extradimensional Art
The Bodyguard :: Sasquatch - Channeled Extradimensional Art
Spider Jungle :: Manoamao Tribe - Andromeda :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Spider Jungle :: Manoamao Tribe - Andromeda :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Feline/Human Hybrid - Self Portrait :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Feline/Human Hybrid - Self Portrait :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
Us to You - Earth Fae :: Channeled Interdimensional Art
Us to You - Earth Fae :: Channeled Interdimensional Art
Neon Mushroom - Kidlit Illustration
Neon Mushroom - Kidlit Illustration
The Owl That Could
The Owl That Could
Psychedelic Heart
Psychedelic Heart
Cosmic Hand
Cosmic Hand
Holographic DJ :: Carpet Hunters :: Multi-dimensional Channeled Art
Holographic DJ :: Carpet Hunters :: Multi-dimensional Channeled Art
The Eye - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
The Eye - Reptilian ORION LIGHT :: Channeled Extraterrestrial Art
This Mind's Moment:  Self Portrait
This Mind's Moment: Self Portrait
Earth by Ella -  Earth Faerie :: Channeled Interdimensional Art
Earth by Ella - Earth Faerie :: Channeled Interdimensional Art
Birds In Many Forms
Birds In Many Forms
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