Well, then.
My collaborator and I created the painting first in Rebelle about a month before I started slicing it. I simply couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do with it...until other easier projects came through in which I used an original painting and chopped it up into pieces.
Finally, I turned on the recorder and started from the finished painting, imported into Photoshop. That's when the slicing began, and I still didn't know what this was until the eye slice went in. There were a LOT of slices and more updates than in previous projects, so I can see why this one sat half finished for the time that it did. I wouldn't have had the mental stability to follow through unless I had a few under my belt.
In the video (still at the editor's) I mentioned that this energy felt familiar to me. A similar energy first came to me channeled through Lyssa Royal Holt (http://lyssaroyal.net) with the name Hybrid 7. This energy is of a similar nature to his, which embodies the varied aspects of each galactic DNA contributor (more about that below)...as a member of the 7th hybrid race. We are currently creating the 6th hybrid race right now, which would encompass humans as we are in this place and time, who have donated DNA to the hybridization project. So this entity would be an even later generation, in linear terms.
Lyssa's got a photo, so if you are on the fence about the whole extraterrestrial thing,...check out the photo and ask yourself "why not?" Basically any reason "why not" will be related to a fear you are currently entertaining. It's always your choice what you believe.
This being is a tribrid, or a combination of the DNA from the Zeta Reticuli (the grays), Sirius, and Human. This being embodies the hive mind/collective of the evolved Zetas, the wisdom and guiding intentions of the Sirians, as well as some human aspects as well. If this image appears ominous to you, then it might be good practice regarding how we label things. Humans have been stuffed full of archetypical polarity, such as: black = evil and white = pure. Try to look past that construct and see a benevolent entity depicted with human intervention....which includes all of my own programmed bias contributing to the creation of the image. A channel is only as clear as our connections to our higher selves, and that takes the release of limitations.
There is a long galactic history of hybridization (um, including you, human!) and if you care to research, then please do so. As always, use your discernment whenever you read any information, for if it doesn't resonate with you then it's simply not your truth in this moment. I promise you, it's someone else's truth, or it wouldn't be there.
So when you're ready to consider new truths, new possibilities...then you will begin questioning with real intention what else is out there, and ask "why not" about everything. That's when life gets fun, and that's when they will show up for you if you desire it.
I still do not have a full grasp on the significance of the "8" so I will update this post when it comes in. Perhaps this is Hybrid 8, which would represent the next generation after the 7th hybrid race. Either way, these beings are quite balanced, which includes recognizing their divinity, embodying a collective mindset, and partaking in joyous co-creation.
Original painting created in Rebelle 3
Sliced and rearranged in Photoshop.
Here's the video of the creation after slicing. https://youtu.be/9GJ_ysHjEww