Dragonfly Wing of Love :: Channeled Art with Janis Joplin
Dragonfly Wing of Love :: Channeled Art - Janis Joplin

Dragonfly Wing of Love :: Channeled Art - Janis Joplin

One of 11 layers painted while listening to really loud music

One of 11 layers painted while listening to really loud music

I thought it was a forest, but nope, dragonfly wing

I thought it was a forest, but nope, dragonfly wing

This collaboration with Janis Joplin is the first she's ever identified herself as a collaborator on. I spent the first 5 years of my life looking through Janis' eyes rather than through my own eyes as a little girl growing up in Bucks County, PA. My first memory was at age 6, which would be 1971. No baby pictures. My family doesn't have much to say about me during those years other than I was solemn. No wonder, leaving a life that vivid, and redirecting my awareness back to a tethered child..it was much more fun for my consciousness to explore a bit of wildlife along with a girl from Texas than to go through early childhood. I'm OK with that.

Although I do listen to her music, I've never seen a video of her, and not sure I need to. I don't want it to taint my channeling. She comes in when I get way too serious about life, and she reminds me that life is fleeting, and that the "blues" doesn't mean that you're always sad.

"You can soak in it like a warm bath. And then you get out of the fucking bathtub and dry yourself off."

And there you have it.

This painting took a long time. She was quite exact in the layer creation, and there are a lot of strokes in this one that blend together. I have the feeling that we are going to do something else with the layers after this, but I'm too exhausted to ask.

I don't get the feeling that she did a lot of art, but maybe she did. And as a symbiotic relationship, she is urging me to channel her singing...I've done this only once, and hopefully it was never recorded. I have a photo someone took while I was on stage. I'm not a singer, and I gotta say I doubt my channeling skills to accurately bring in that force without filtering it with my insecurities. Maybe I'll get drunk someday and try again. No hard drugs for me; it will have to be whiskey. I do drive a Porsche though.

Painted in Rebelle in 11 layers; only ONE layer had a blending change to get to the final image.
Finished in Photoshop.

If you want to see how she comes in to my body, here's a very Janis-heavy video about finding your most desired timeline.