The artist connecting with me for this piece was through an introduction by a contact specialist that thought it would be interesting if I explored more aquatic themes. The Sirius star system is home to many different expressions in physical form, and entire planets are largely covered with water. These particular visitors appeared to me as fish but they had a lot of salamander in them; and immediately I received admonishment to check my human beliefs about fish and reptiles being less evolved than humans. Oh. not. so. I've learned that form really has little to do with the sentience of the being expressing it.
Plus, these entities were quite adamant that I also introduce the concept that fish need not remain in water in all areas our Universe. The water requirement is an Earthly construct and need not apply. As for location, I was given a quick quick quick flash of this being another of the 12 Living Libraries, along with Earth. The majority of them are still ascending, and thus are still hidden from view at this time. Living Libraries are planets that embody the DNA of many sentient species, and they leave representations there in order to stay connected. So.....that cat sleeping on your couch? It's a spinoff of a sentient species that left a little piece of itself here to evolve and provide vehicles through which to view our planet.
So when your cat wins the staredown....well, consider who might be looking at you from inside there.
This work took me quite a while, and it was put away for a few weeks because it was so busy that I felt like anything I added made it busier, but taking away wasn't an option. A properly-functioning ecological system has many layers of existence contributing to its success, and so I was guided to add when my mind was quieter.
Created in Rebelle 3 with watercolor and pencil on Aquarelle paper.
Finished in Photoshop.